History of the
Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department
History of the
Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department
In years gone by, there had been discussions about organizing a fire department in Stonewall. However, it was not until the tragic fire on December 31, 1946, when the home owned by Ernest Hodges and occupied by the Albert Negben family was completely destroyed by fire, that Paul Klein, Al Wenzol and Simon J Burg went to San Antonio to secure information about organizing and equipping a fire department.
Although this information was obtained, it was not until February 21, 1957, that a group of thirteen men met at Marcus Burg's Lumber Company and formulated plans for the Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department.
Temporary officers elected at the first meeting were: Chairman - James Eckert, Secretary / Treasurer - John Pehl, and Vice Chairman - Howard Cravens. A committee was also appointed to inspect a fire truck which was offered for sale by the Fredericksburg Fire Department. This truck was made available to the Stonewall Fire Department and the Commissioners Court. Those present at the first meeting were responsible for the hanging of the old school bell, in the windmill tower adjacent to Burg's Lumber Company, which would be used to summon the firemen int eh event of a fire.
The next meeting was held on March 14, 1957, with the following officers being elected: President - James Eckert, Vice President - Paul Klein, Secretary / Treasurer - Alvin Weinheimer Jr, Fire Chief - Hilmer O. Negben, Assistant Fire Chief - Kermitt Hahne, Captain - Clifton Burg, Lieutenant - Howard Cravens.
At this meeting it was decided to buy the fire truck from teh Fredericksburg Fire Department, with Kermitt Hahne furnishing the housing for the truck at his service station. Mr. Hahne also made available to the organization a 1,200 gallon tank truck as an extra supply unit.
In May of 1957 Mr. B.B. Bohls installed a 1/3 horsepower Signal & Siren in his place of business. Through the courtesy of Mr. Bohls, the fire department to day is privileged to use the sire in case of fire to summon firemen.
On September 17, 1959, the permanent location site for the fire station was chosen. In January of 1960, construction of the new 3 I"8 by 36' feather light tile building was begun. The dedication of the new fire station was held on July 30, 1960, in conjunction with the annual firemen's dance.
The firemen meet on the first and third Thursday of each month. The first Thursday is drill night, while the third Thursday is set aside for the regular business meeting.
To become better trained, the firemen have attended First Aid Courses, the Fire Prevention School of January 1959 and the State Convention of 1959. In order to be distinguished from other cars, the firemen have their vehicles equipped with blue lights and special plates.
The first fire occurred on August 18, 1957, and since then the department has answered the call to 18 fires.
Present officers serving the organization are: President - Charles Weinheimer, Secretary / Treaurer - Hilmer O. Nebgen, Fire Chief - John Pehl, Assistant Chief - Jimmy Reson, Captain - Walter A. Epp, Lieutenant - Arnold Klein, with Gary Hahne and David Moldenhaurer serving as Junior members.
"Insert from the Stonewall Centennial - August 10, 1985"